Saturday, September 26, 2009
Great Tips For losing Weight
This article will give you a basic guideline regarding losing weight.
1. Breakfast Counts! - Getting into the habit of eating breakfast gets you and your metabolism on a regular schedule and our bodies do better with a routine. For quick and easy breakfasts try a piece of fruit, granola bar, yoghurt, hardboiled egg on toast, English muffin with peanut butter, cereal, frozen waffles, oatmeal, or even just a glass of milk or juice.
2. Fitness exercise - This should consist of a good brisk daily walk for about half an hour. Don’t be a fair weather walker, go out regardless of the weather; just make sure to dress appropriately. An effective alternative to going outside is walking up and down a building staircase. This option is excellent for your heart, as well as maintaining leg muscles. To maintain a constant progression, try to increase your pace on a weekly basis. Set goals and gradually increase your distances. If possible, alter your cardiovascular sessions for an even more effective work out: use the staircase one day, and walk around the block on other days.
3. Motivation is key - You need to encourage yourself to achieve the goals that you have set at the beginning. Write your goal down on a piece of paper and place the paper at places where you will always see it, such as computer screen, telephone, etc. Also write down the consequences that you will face if you fail to achieve the goal. Be brutally honest with yourself.
4. Get Rest and Lose Stress - Stress can actually cause your metabolism to feign. Stress also causes a person, in many cases, to eat more than usual, which, of course, adds to the problem of gaining weight. Be sure to try, as much as possible, to relieve you of stress as much as possible, and with this, get proper rest. Sleeping too much equals less exercise, whereas, sleeping too little can cause irritability, which in turn, causes stress, and weight gain. With patience and determination, you can be sure that you can stabilize your metabolism levels, which would do nothing less than revitalize your entire life!
5. Don’t make eating boring - You can’t cut yourself off entirely from your favourite foods. You will want to cut back on them and maybe use them as a reward for good progression in your diet. At the end of the day if you do things right the occasional chocolate bar or soda pop is not going to make a difference on the out come.
6. Water is key - This is probably the most important tip of all. Almost all of us are guilty of consuming too little water. We need to remember that metabolism is a process that requires water. Water is necessary for proper isotonic balance of body fluids and also to help in transportation of waste products of metabolism. When we consume too little water the body tends to slow down metabolism simply because it cannot ensure an optimal metabolism and getting rid of waste products. Therefore the secret to unlocking metabolism starts with drinking enough water. As a general rule we should all consume at least 8 glasses of water a day. Studies have shown drinking enough water could lead to a loss of about 50 calories a day - enough to shed 5 pounds in a year.
Learn to cook healthy meals the easy way at
Article Source:
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Lose Weight - Living with your Exercise Routine
Dedicate time to be active
Activity should be more than an afterthought, something you do after you've done everything else. If you put it last on your list of to-dos or think of it as optional, chances are you'll never get to it. Instead, make activity an essential part of your day. Like eating, brushing your teeth, and other personal grooming activities, exercise is a must Socializing, watching television, and shopping are the extras.
Make sure you schedule a specific block of time for activity.
Decide in advance what you will do each day and set aside a time for it. Write it on your calendar or in your appointment book, and don't cancel out. When scheduling exercise the obvious choice is some time that is "free." After school, after work, and on the weekends are popular choices.
Turn dangerous times of day to your advantage by scheduling an exercise session for a time when you tend to act or eat irresponsibly.
For example, if the middle of the afternoon is a low-energy time for you and you usually spend it watching daytime television or zoning out at your desk, pick yourself up and take a walk or an aerobics class instead. If you fill your evenings by filling your stomach, get out of the house, away from the refrigerator, and go dancing. Not a morning person? Maybe a wake-up swim or stretching session will get you ready for the rest of the day.
Take a look at both your food and activity diaries and see if there are "dead spots" in your day. It may sound backward, but times when your energy is at its lowest are exact the times active. Energy feeds energy.
These periods of low energy indicate that your metabolism is slowing. Remember the best, safest, and most natural way to rev up your metabolism? That's right: by exercising.
Get specific Take out your weight-loss notebook and start a new page titled "My Exercise Schedule" and date it. Leave space for revision, since you will want to review and make changes as time passes.
Divide the page lengthwise into three columns. Label one "Goals," the second "Means," and the third "Notes." Begin by filling in the goals; add a timetable for each one. The goal is a long-term one; the timetable will contain the steps you'll take to get there, which are short-term goals. You might want to highlight the long-term and short-term goals in different colors.
Next, fill in the means: specific exercises or activities you will do on a daily basis. You can plan it as a one- or two-week chunk. Finally, make notes about information, assistance, and equipment you'll need. Add anything else you want to keep in mind as you embark on this program.
Don't get hung up on the details. If you're not sure exactly what your goals should be, write down a general idea. If you're not sure what a reasonable time period is, make an estimate and give yourself permission to change the dates as You go along. The idea is to sketch out a plan, not to hand down a life sentence.
On the next page is a sample notebook page. Your goals and specific plans will probably be different and you may prefer to organize your page in another way. Do it however it make sense to you.
Article Source:
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Fat Loss Quickie!
The Fat Loss Quickie is awesome. Motivation, easy exercises that can be done at home or in the office and great nutrition tips are just the beginning of this great program. There are videos that keep it simple(and only 10 minutes at a time). This can be done by anyone that wants to lose the fat.
It is important to follow a program that you enjoy as well as suits your lifestyle. If it is easy to follow, the chances of you being successful are greater as you will stick to it. Take the challenge now, Fat Loss Quickie will put you on the road to loosing that fat and getting healthy!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Speeding Up Your Metabolism To Lose Weight
If you want to lose weight, the first thing you have to do is start watching what you eat. Cutting out all the things that you know are not good for you, (sweets, colas, bread, chips, etc) will make the weight start to come off easily. After a while, the scale is no longer going down and you are still watching what you eat. This means your metabolism is slowing down. Your body is in survival mode and you are not burning as many calories.
This means you have to do something to speed the metabolism up! There are many ways to speed the metabolism up. Some type of exercise is a must. If it gets your heart rate up, it will also speed your metabolism up. Do something that you enjoy and this will ensure that you will stick with it. Put a video on and dance, play ball with the kids, take a long walk, or you can join the gym. The important thing is to exercise in one or more of these ways for at least 30 minutes, five days a week.
Eating small meals throughout the day will keep you from feeling like you are starving. Try to eat some sort of protein with your meals. There are many protein snacks like boiled eggs, lowfat cottage cheese, or even a protein shake. Having a piece of fruit is a great snack.
Once you get in the habit of taking that nice walk or whatever method you choose to exercise, you will start to have more energy and feel better as your metabolism is back up. It takes a while for a habit to be formed, so do not give up easily. The first time you put on that pair of jeans that were fitting too tight and they look nice, you will feel like there is no stopping you!
Exercise-A Great Way to Lose Weight
Although you need to exercise to lose weight, it is very important that you work on your diet too. It is recommended that you eat approximately five to six small meals a day instead of three large ones. By doing this, you would be eating every two to three hours as you would incorporate a snack in between each meal. This is where portion control comes into play. You would have a small breakfast consisting of a carbohydrate and a protein and then a few hours later, have a small snack. You would follow this process with the rest of your meals. It is important to eliminate the “junk” food from your diet. This means all the processed and sugar laden foods! Be sure to eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits as they contain the highest vitamin value and are so good for you.
While is it common knowledge that you need to exercise to lose weight, this is the most resisted part of any weight loss program. Let’s face it; most people just do not want to exercise. We come up with so many excuses NOT to exercise; I’m too tired, I will start tomorrow, I don’t feel good, I don’t have enough time. Bottom line, if you want to lose weight you will have to get off the couch and exercise. To lose weight, you need to elevate your metabolism rate and to do that you have to participate in an aerobic type exercise that will get your heart rate elevated for about 30-40 minutes at least 4 times a week. By increasing your metabolism, you are helping your body to burn calories. There are many different activities that will let you achieve this such as walking, jogging, running and cycling. If it has been quite some time since you last exercised, don’t jump in and run a marathon, take it slow.
In addition to having a balanced, healthy diet and regular exercise to lose weight, you need to keep yourself properly hydrated. Drinking at least 8 to 10 cups of water a day is a must. Water helps flush all the impurities from your system. Drinking water before each meal also acts like an appetite suppressant as it gives you a “full” feeling; therefore you end up eating less.
For long lasting weight loss results, developing a daily exercise regime and healthy eating habits is more than a passing fad, it is a lifestyle change. Bottom line is, not matter what you have to do some form of exercise to lose weight!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Lose Weight.....Detoxing First Is a Plus
While researching where to start I found a complete step-by-step guide to show me exactly how to detox properly. Check this out!
Detox To Beautiful Health and Weight Loss
How To Lose Weight Fast
In order to be successful in your how to lose weight fast quest, you will need to have a support system in place. Your support system could consist of your spouse, parents, children or friends. Their job would be to give you encouragement to stay the course and not waiver from your journey to lose weight. In order for them to do this effectively, it would be important for you to share with them what your goals are so that they can follow your progress along with you. It is so much more rewarding to share all your successes with someone who cares about you. By knowing what your weight loss goals are, your support team can also help pull you back on track if you should stray.
When trying to figure out how to lose weight fast, a very important thing to remember is to stay focused. In order to be successful, your weight loss game plan needs to be one that you are doing for yourself. You have to want to lose weight for you, not because someone else wants you to. Once you have made this commitment, you need to set a goal. Be sure to make this goal realistic and achievable. Once you achieve your first goal of weight loss, set the bar a little higher and work towards the next. You will want to set yourself up to succeed so that you will be motivated to continue towards your ultimate weight loss goal.
Changing your eating habits is paramount when deciding how to lose weight fast. You will need to evaluate your current eating style and eliminate the unhealthy foods and habits from your daily regime. In order to lose weight quickly, it is vital that you consume large amounts of water every day. By doing this, you hydrate your body and eliminate any water retention that was occurring when you didn’t drink enough water. I know that this sound crazy, drink water to get rid of water but it is true. When you aren’t properly hydrated, your body tends to hold onto the water that you do put in it. So, in order to see weight loss results fast, drink water!
How to lose weight fast…we all want some miracle cure that will just melt away the pounds but let’s face it, there is no such thing. In order to lose weight, you need to take responsibility for your actions and make it happen. By following the simple steps above, you will be on your way to a slimmer you!