If you want to lose weight, the first thing you have to do is start watching what you eat. Cutting out all the things that you know are not good for you, (sweets, colas, bread, chips, etc) will make the weight start to come off easily. After a while, the scale is no longer going down and you are still watching what you eat. This means your metabolism is slowing down. Your body is in survival mode and you are not burning as many calories.
This means you have to do something to speed the metabolism up! There are many ways to speed the metabolism up. Some type of exercise is a must. If it gets your heart rate up, it will also speed your metabolism up. Do something that you enjoy and this will ensure that you will stick with it. Put a video on and dance, play ball with the kids, take a long walk, or you can join the gym. The important thing is to exercise in one or more of these ways for at least 30 minutes, five days a week.
Eating small meals throughout the day will keep you from feeling like you are starving. Try to eat some sort of protein with your meals. There are many protein snacks like boiled eggs, lowfat cottage cheese, or even a protein shake. Having a piece of fruit is a great snack.
Once you get in the habit of taking that nice walk or whatever method you choose to exercise, you will start to have more energy and feel better as your metabolism is back up. It takes a while for a habit to be formed, so do not give up easily. The first time you put on that pair of jeans that were fitting too tight and they look nice, you will feel like there is no stopping you!